Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A good night's sleep

So, we have finally reached the "sleep through the night" phase of Jordan's life!  This past Thursday night Jordan slept from 7:30pm until 6:30 am.  Mommy, of course, kept waking up all night in anticipation of Jordan waking, which he surprised her by not doing!  Since then, everyone in our family is definitely stacking more zzz's...which has been much needed!

The only thing that would make Mommy's days a little easier would be if  Jordan could nap longer than 30 minutes at a time.  He's still a "cat-napper," sleeping 3 to 4 times a day, for 30 to 40 minutes at a time (still usually closer to 30 minutes!).  Hopefully he will start to snooze longer, now that he's sleeping so well at night.  One can only hope...any advice would be appreciated!

I love to "fly"

Swinging with Daddy

Look at those baby blues!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mr. Personality

Jordan is all about being as loud as a good way, thank goodness!  He loves, loves, loves to squeal at the highest octave he can reach.  And he finds himself quite entertaining, especially when we stand in front of the bathroom mirror where he can see himself being funny.  This is a short video of him really going takes him a minute to get started but enjoy laughing!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Growing by leaps and bounds!

Jordan had his 4 month checkup this past week and boy, is he growing!  He weighed in at 15 lbs. 5 1/4 oz and is 26 inches long.  He's almost double his birth weight at this wonder Mommy's back has been hurting!  The doctor said everything was going smoothly and that the big guy looked great.  Jordan also did very well with his second set of vaccinations.  He cried a little bit more than the first time (probably starting to remember that, hey, this ain't fun!) and he seemed a little more out of sorts the next day, but all-in-all it was another good experience with our pediatrician.

So interesting...

This weekend we got together with John's dad and stepmom Carolyn, and with Uncle Josh for Jordan's fourth Christmas (have you ever heard of so many Christmases??).

Reading with Nana

Loving my Exersaucer!

Funny boy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 4 Month Birthday Jordan!

So, Jordan is now 4 months old today and we just can't believe how times have changed!  Jordan is loving sitting up in his Bumbo chair and has started to sit up in his Exersaucer (for short periods so far).  Everything, and we mean everything!, goes right to his mouth!  It's so funny, as soon as you hand him a toy, right away....zoom, to the mouth!

This was a big week in the Combs household...first, Mommy started back to work (again!), but this time there was no Ceci to hang out with Jordan.  We have been fortunate to find an awesome nanny for the little guy; actually, John found her, as he used to coach with her husband.  Our nanny Bev started this week and will be coming over every Tuesday and Thursday while Jill is at work.  Jordan seemed to take right to her so we are very thankful.  Mommy got home both days this week at 2:30 and still got to enjoy the afternoon with her little man.  It is such a wonderful feeling to see your baby light up and smile when he sees you come home!  But it's even better knowing that he is in capable, caring hands while you are gone.

Also, this past weekend John had to travel back up to Indiana for his Grandma Ki's funeral.  Jill and Jordan stayed behind since we had just gotten back from two weeks of traveling.  The weather was in the 20's up there, but super warm and sunny down in Florida, so Mommy and Jordan enjoyed lots of outdoor time.  It was the first time that Jordan hadn't seen his Daddy for two nights, but he was the perfect angel for Mommy.  When Daddy got home on Sunday night, Jordan was so excited to see him and even stayed awake for a little bit later that night to spend time with him.

In my big boy chair

This pose cracks me suave!

On a side note, Jordan's hair has started to fall out on the sides, leaving him with an almost perfect mohawk.  Now, contrary to popular belief, we did not cut or shave his hair, it is entirely natural.  What we do find funny is the crazy cowlick he has on the top back of his skull...we call it his yarmulke!  Check out the funny picture of it!

Jordan's built-in yarmulke (well, we are in South Florida!)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Well, it's been quite an adventure and we have definitely put some miles on the Honda!  But our little trio had a great time visiting all of our family over the past two weeks.  We started out on Sunday, December 19th by driving up to Richmond, IN to visit with John's mom and stepdad Tom.  It took two days (spending the night outside of Atlanta), some snowy conditions, some road detours....and our should've been 16 hour trip ended up taking 19 hours!  But, we are thankful that Jordan did pretty well in the car...he actually was doing better than Mom and Dad by the end of the trip; we had had it with being in the car! 

Once we got to Richmond, it was a whirlwind of activity....some of Grandma Marcia's family came over for dinner to see us and to meet Jordan.  He didn't last too long, as it was just about bedtime, but he did smile for everyone before he started fading.  Mommy tucked him in and we enjoying talking and eating with John's Aunt Mary Alice and Uncle Dale and cousins.  Jordan's Uncle Josh flew in the next day and spent lots of time playing with him.

While in Indiana, we drove over to Indianapolis for a night to stay at John's Aunt Cathy's home.  John's dad and stepmom Carolyn were there, along with John's cousin Allison and her husband Joe.  Also, Jordan got to meet his Great-Grandma Ki for the first time!  It was a very special time, one that was well documented by video and tons of pictures!  Great-Grandma Ki also gave Jordan a very special present: a book that she recorded herself reading.  It turned out to be so very dear to all of us, as Grandma Ki passed away on New Year's Day.  She had a stroke five days after we all saw her.  It was very sad to lose her but we are sooooo grateful that she got to meet Jordan (and got to see John and Jill again!).  She was a wonderful lady and grandmother to John and will be dearly missed.  We like to think she was waiting to meet Jordan before she passed.

Jordan with Daddy and Great-Grandma Ki

This Florida boy is ready for the snow!
Snowy Indianapolis, Christmas Eve

With Great-Grandma and her special book

We went back to Richmond for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Jordan helped open his own gifts (with a little help from Mommy) and seemed to realize that it was a special day.  He was full of energy and even started squealing while at dinner that night!  It was so funny to hear him squeal as loud and as high-pitched as possible.  He could tell that he was entertaining, so he continued while we ate our entire meal!

Opening presents, Christmas morning

With Grandma Marcia

With Uncle Josh

Laughing with Grandpa Tom

The next day Dad, Mom, and Jordan loaded back up and drove down to South Carolina.  Once again, we faced terrible road conditions: ice, snow, and even traveling 5 mph for 2 1/2 hours through the mountains of North Carolina.  Talk about scary!  We have never had a scarier drive and we hope to never have to do that again!  Thank goodness we got out of that safely, although 3 hours behind schedule.....we did end up making it to Camden to stay at Jill's dad and stepmom Roseanna's home.  Jordan went right to bed that night, but woke up energized and excited to be in a new place.

We spent two nights with Papa and Mimi.  Jordan had his second Christmas and showed off his new squealing for a whole new audience.  He also got to meet Jill's Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Penny for the first time.

Part of our drive from Indiana to South Carolina!

Jordan hanging out while at a rest stop

Just call him Schroeder: Jordan can play the piano!

Mommy also got together with her best friends and their children.  We had a get-together at my friend Erin's house.  It was crazy to have all those kids and babies there at one time!  We attempted some pictures but as you can see, they turned out pretty funny....Jordan slept through the pictures and Ashley's son Brady couldn't get out of there fast enough!  It was so much fun to get together; it's a shame we live so far away right now because Jordan could have some fun playmates with this group.

Clemson girls and all the kids!

The last few nights of our trip was spent at Jill's mom's home.  Jordan hung out with his Uncle Jeff and met his Aunt Tricia for the first time.  Jordan had his third Christmas and once again helped open many wonderful presents (at this point, we were wondering how we would get most of these gifts back to Florida!).  Most of Ceci's family came over for a family Christmas one day and Jordan learned how you have to get attention while with this loud bunch: just be the loudest!  He worked his vocal cords out by squealing and laughing most of the time the family was there....Daddy is worried that Jordan might take after Mommy's side of the family!

With Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tricia in Columbia
With my second cousins, Jackson and Riley

We got home to Florida on New Year's Eve and after tucking Jordan into bed, Mommy and Daddy didn't even make it up to watch the ball drop.  We enjoyed our (busy!) vacation but we were sure glad to be home for a few days before both of us start back to work!  Happy New Year!

This picture says it all....what a trip!