Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Day of Firsts!

Yesterday was a big day around the Combs' household!  First off, because we live in South Florida and the weather is usually beautiful and warm with today being no exception, we decided to take Jordan to the pool!  It was his first time at the pool (we know, why did we wait so long??!) and he was a little funny about it.  We put on his baby sunblock, his UV-blocking shirt, swim-trunks, and hat.  I think he looked so cute!  Daddy took him into the water, expecting him to really love it and kick those legs all around, but Jordan was very mellow and didn't crack one smile (well, not until Daddy blew raspberries on his belly).  We didn't stay long but we hope he becomes a "water baby" soon!

Hmmm...not sure about all this yet

Still not smiling....

Finally a smile!

Wiped out after all the pool time

Later that afternoon, we invited Uncle Josh over to be our cameraman so that we could feed Jordan his first  solid food!  We started with rice cereal and boy, was he ready to eat!  I mean, he's been staring us down every time we ate something while in his general vicinity!  He didn't eat a whole lot of the cereal, but he did so great opening his mouth and pushing the food back with his tongue.  We were so excited and can't wait to try out more foods with him.

First bite of rice cereal!


To top off our weekend, we decided to take Jordan to church for the first time.  We headed upstairs to the enclosed family room.  Jordan cracked us up by deciding to poop 5 minutes after we sat down, so Mommy rushed off to the restroom to change him.  After coming back and getting settled again, Jordan pooped again 10 minutes later.  Off to the restroom again!  After all that, thankfully he didn't poop again, but he did decide to "talk" loudly during much of the service.  Luckily we weren't the only couple with a baby who was making noise.  We felt like the spirit must've moved him that day!

Off to church!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mommy and Daddy's first night away....

This past weekend was super busy!  Ceci came into town again to see the big guy.  Jordan was loving the extra attention, of course!  Aside from lots of playtime at home and walks in the neighborhood, Mommy and Ceci took him to the mall for some new clothes.  As soon as we got into the store, Jordan decided to take a snooze.  Typical guy, bored with shopping!

While Ceci was in town, Mommy and Daddy decided to take one of their friends up on their offer of using their condo in South Beach for a night.  Thanks Belinda and Pete!  We left on Friday after John got home from work, while Jordan was napping, and enjoyed a wonderfully relaxing night away.  Ceci spent the night, during which Jordan slept peacefully (yay!), and entertained him almost all of the next day.  John and Jill got to spend time biking, sunning, and was a nice break but we missed Jordy and couldn't wait to get home to smooch on him.  It was a success as Mommy's first night away from Jordan!

Ceci and Jordan

Daddy tickling Jordan

Sitting up so well!

Trying out a new 'do

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated Jordan's first Valentine's Day with a "Red Hot Cake," which is a Showalter family tradition.  Of course, Jordan didn't get to taste any of it, but he sure had his eye on it!  He is sooo ready to eat and we can hardly wait to see how he does with some food.  Only a few more weeks....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy 5 month Birthday Jordan!

Today Jordan hit the 5 month mark!  Geesh, time flies!  We started our morning with, of course, a photo shoot.  John commented that each of his "monthly portraits" look exactly the same, so maybe next month (for the big 6th month!) I will have to think of something different.

Jordan is working on many new skills right now: attempting to roll over (he has never had much interest in this before) and sitting up on his own (once placed in a sitting position by us).  He does however, roll from side to side easily and there have been many mornings when Mommy and Daddy have found him scooted all the way to the other end of his crib!  And don't even think about letting him lie on his back for too long--he is sooo ready to sit up and see what's going on around him.  Jordan especially loves to sit up in his Bumbo chair in the kitchen and watch Mommy cook dinner.  He has also been much more talkative lately, "bup-bup-bup" is the slogan of the week!

We have again had beautiful weekend weather (sorry, snowy rest-of-the-country) and so we spent most of the past weekend out on the back patio and backyard.  Jordan likes to play in his exersaucer while Mommy and Daddy relax and catch up on some reading.  Below are some pictures of Jordy with Myra, our neighbor's doggie.  She was so sweet and relaxed and did not mind little Jordan's busy hands!  I see an animal lover in our future (this time taking after his Daddy)!

With Myra, our neighbor's super friendly dog

Mommy and Jordan

I am so handsome!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jordan is awesome!

Since my last post, we have had many sleep-filled nights!  Yay for Jordan!  The child sleeps for 11-12 hours every night....he's doing so great that we are weaning him from his swaddle (or as some of our family calls it, his straight-jacket!).  We're hoping that it goes well, as we are definitely spoiled with all of this sleep we're getting, and we are so tired of the swaddle.  (I'm sure Jordan is, too.)

We took Jordan to the South Florida fair last weekend to meet up with our friend Mike.  Mike and his wife just found out that they are having triplets!  We gave them a few things of Jordan's that hadn't been used, as we were blessed with so many gifts.  Jordan did great, just chilled in his stroller or in our arms, checking out all of the strange people that constitute a local fair.  Mommy and Daddy got in their fried food fix and then headed back home to de-tox!

Now that Jordan is much more "portable," Mommy has been able to hit the gym 3 mornings a week.  Jordan hangs in the Kidz Klub, which happens to be run by one of the Boca High moms, Nuri.  We have known her for years, as John coached her son and daughter in track.  Jordan loves it there and apparently already has a girlfriend named Luciana (an older woman--8 months!).  This has been his first experience around other children and it's so funny to see how much he enjoys watching all the older kids play.

We have all been spending the afternoon outside on our patio, which makes us feel a little guilty as the rest of the country is getting hit by massive amounts of snow and ice.  The weather is definitely the best thing about South Florida!  80 degrees and beautiful out today...Mommy is working on her tan!

Talking up a storm!

I love my toes!