Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy 7 Month Birthday to Jordan!

We can't believe our little guy is already 7 months old!  And to see his personality develop along the way has been amazing:  Jordan is a pretty happy, funny, energetic, very observant, and at times, snuggly guy.  I thought I would steal a great idea from my friend Ashley (mom to cutie Brady) and document a typical day-in-the-life of Jordan.  Enjoy! (thanks Ash!)

6:30-7:00  Jordan wakes up happy, with lots of laughing, squealing, and raspberry-blowing.  We enjoy watching him on the baby monitor for a bit.  Daddy likes to go in first and get him out of the crib, singing our "good morning" song to him.  If Mommy isn't working, she goes in to see the two boys.  If Mommy is working, she left for work at 5:45am!
7:30  Mommy feeds Jordan (or Daddy gives a bottle if Mommy's at work).  Afterwards, we all go downstairs for playtime on the floor.  If Mommy is at work, Jordan's nanny arrives and Daddy gets ready  for work.
8:15  Breakfast time!  Jordan sits in his highchair and enjoys oatmeal mixed with some fruit, his favorites lately are banana and peach.  Daddy leaves for work.
9:00  Jordan goes down for his first nap.  This nap can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.
10:00  Mommy feeds Jordan (or the nanny gives a bottle if Mommy's at work).  Afterwards, we usually pack up and head to the gym.  Jordan has a blast playing and watching all the other kids at the gym, while Mommy gets some time to exercise.
12:00  Home from the gym, Jordan's afternoon is different everyday.  Sometimes he will go right down for a nap, sometimes he wants to play first for a while.  When he does nap, it is anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
1:30  Mommy feeds Jordan (or nanny and bottle).
2:00  Lunch time!  Jordan sits in his highchair and enjoys rice or barley cereal, along with 1 or 2 fruits or veggies.  After eating, Jordan plays on the floor, practicing rolling and crawling, or in his Exersaucer.
2:30  Mommy gets home from work.  Jordan is so smiley and happy, it just melts Mommy's heart!
4:00  Mommy feeds Jordan.  Then, Mommy and Jordan go on a walk.  Jordan gets a mesh-popsicle of fruit to soothe his gums.
5:30  Daddy gets home from work.  The boys love to sit outside in the backyard and watch the cars drive by.  Mommy gets things ready for Jordan's bedtime routine.
6:15  Mommy feeds Jordan.  Afterwards, Jordan takes his bath.  Mommy and Daddy take turns bathing him each night.
6:45  Jordan's out of the bath--we give him a massage, put baby lotion on his clean skin, and put him in his pajamas and sleep sack.  Daddy reads him two or three books, sings him some songs, and lays him down for bed.  Jordan is usually asleep by 7:30, after playing quietly for a while in his crib.  We don't hear a peep from him until 6:30 or so the next morning!

On another note, Jordan had his first sick baby visit to the doctor last week but, of course, once we got there he proceeded to giggle and squeal for the entire visit.  What a crazy man!  He was diagnosed with his first cold and we were pretty impressed that he hadn't been sick until 7 months old.  Nothing exciting, he's feeling great now and we did get some pretty funny pictures of him in the doctor's office.

At the pediatrician

Silly squealer

Messy with my peas!

Silly side of the Jord

Strikin' a pose

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So fun to read about ya'll's day! I'm impressed by all the exercising you are getting. :) He is such a cutie with the biggest grins, I really hope I get to see him again soon.
